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Practice Boundary

Current boundary map

Forest Health Care would like to apply to Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board for an increase to their practice boundary. The existing boundary is shown above and the new boundary indicated outlined in red below.

Proposed boundary map

What is a practice boundary?

The GP practice boundary refers to the geographical area within which a General Practitioner (GP) practice accepts new patients for registration. This boundary ensures that patients live close enough to the practice to receive home visits if necessary and access primary care services efficiently.

Proposed Change to Practice Boundary

We are considering expanding our practice boundary to improve access to our services and accommodate more patients. Before making this change, we want to inform our patients and gather any feedback.

What This Means

  • The proposed expansion will allow more people to register with our practice.
  • This change aims to enhance patient access while maintaining high-quality care.

Proposed Boundary Map

  • A draft version of the new boundary map is shown above for review.
  • The map highlights both the current boundary and the proposed extension.
  • Patients can check if their address falls within the proposed area.

Who Would Be Affected?

New Patients: If the proposal is approved, more people living in the extended boundary will be eligible to register.

How to Provide Feedback

Next Steps

  • We will review all feedback before making a final decision.
  • Updates on the decision and implementation timeline will be shared on our website and in the practice.

If you have any questions, please contact us at