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Feedback and complaints

Your feedback is appreciated and valuable to us. It is crucial for staff learning and development and to enable us to improve services to meet your needs as effectively as possible. Where possible we make changes to improve services from the feedback we receive.

You may wish to compliment a team member for how well they dealt with something for you. We welcome compliments and will let staff know when you feel they have done a good job.

You may wish to pass on a comment or make a suggestion which could help us to improve a service.

You may have a concern which you would like to be noted and resolved.

Giving feedback

To provide feedback:

Making a complaint

You may want to make a complaint. If your concern could not be resolved by a team member at the time, it is important you let us know as soon as possible. We will carry out a thorough investigation and share our findings with you.

Initially concerns can be raised directly with the dispensary manager, the lead nurse and clinical manager, the management team or with the senior receptionist. Please request a telephone call to you. Any one of these experienced team leaders may be able to assist you.

A complaint should be made within 12 months of the date of occurrence leading to the complaint. A complaint may be raised by a patient or someone acting on behalf of a patient, with the patient’s written consent.

If the management team is able to give a satisfactory explanation immediately they will do so. Alternatively, they will investigate the complaint and respond once investigations are complete.

A doctor who is also a business partner of the practice will deputise for dealing with complaints during absence periods from the management team

Following investigation, you will be provided with a detailed written explanation. If appropriate, you will be invited to attend a private, uninterrupted meeting to fully discuss all issues.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome you should contact the management team to discuss issues further. Where necessary, further investigations will be carried out and further explanation and / or information will be provided in writing to you, to resolve the matter.

We will ensure that any future treatment will not be affected due to you having made a complaint. Where we exercise our right to remove a patient from the practice list following practice / patient relationship breakdown, this will not be due to a patient having made a complaint.

Share your experiences regarding treatment provided by Gloucestershire Royal, Cheltenham General or Delancey Hospitals direct with The Patient Experience Team Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Share your experiences regarding ambulance services with Chris Marsden complaints manager South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust Abbey Court Eagle Way Exeter EX2 7HY.

Share your experiences regarding treatment provided by health visitors, community nurses, midwives, podiatrists, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, out of hours service or local community hospitals.

You may at any time, approach the Local Commissioning Group, Health watch Gloucestershire or the NHS Complaints Advocacy Service (who provide independent advocacy services and support). If you are not happy with how we have dealt with your complaint you may contact the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman.

Contact details for external organisations are shown below:

Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust

If you would like to share your view or make a complaint, you can:

  • Speak to a staff member or manager at the service you are using
  • Fill in our online form
  • Phone
    0300 421 8313
  • Email
  • Or write to
    Patient and Carer Experience Team
    Edward Jenner Court
    1010 Pioneer Avenue
    Gloucester Business Park
    GL3 4AW

Complaints Co-ordinator NHS England

Area Team
Sanger House Unit 5220
Valiant Court
Gloucester Business Park

(0300) 421 1500

Healthwatch Gloucestershire

Community House
15 College Green


Or visit

NHS Complaints Advocacy Service

(0330) 440 9000

The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman

Millbank Tower

(0345) 015 4033


Or visit