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Healthcare team

Community midwives

The midwives run antenatal clinics in conjunction with the doctors to provide complete antenatal care, thus reducing the number of visits to the hospital. After delivery they visit daily to check that all is well with both the mother and the baby and can offer advice and guidance on breast-feeding and the general well-being and care of the baby.

Community nurses

The community nurses work closely with the doctors and provide care for patients in their homes when they are too ill to attend surgery. Their special training and experience makes them experts in community care.

The services provided include:

  • caring for the acutely ill
  • long term support
  • care of the chronically sick or disabled
  • caring for people with terminal illnesses
  • providing equipment for home nursing care
  • support advice
  • training for carers
  • wound and leg ulcer care
  • advice and management
  • urinary and bowel problems
  • ear syringing
  • immunisations
  • blood tests
  • blood pressure checks

If you have a query and are house bound, you can arrange a community nurse visit by telephoning the Health Centre on 0300 421 6711 (10am to 1pm). The out-of-hours team can be contacted on 0300 421 0555 evenings, weekends and bank holidays.

Health visitors

A health visitor is a registered nurse who has received training particularly related to babies, children and pregnant women. Their role is to provide families with children under five years old with support and advice around the general aspects of mental, physical and social wellbeing.


Our dispensers are responsible for all prescription orders and enquiries, the dispensers also supply medicines for you, if you do not live near a chemist.